Charitable Fund Raising

Our Association has a positive involvement in helping others and has two main charities, the Bursary Fund and the Benevolent Fund. 

The Bursary Fund  helps young people (16 to 25yrs) to financially undertake specific community based projects both at home and abroad and also supports many assisting our handicapped during pilgrimages to Lourdes. Last year there were 987 grants made for those supporting Lourdes pilgrimages and 213 for specific projects. Values of the awards ranged from £45 to £1,500.

Lourdes Grant

A student from Loretto College is presented with her bursary grant for supporting a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Awards are made six times a year by the board of trustees.  

The Benevolent and Children’s Fund is there to help and support Brothers and their wives and families who have run into difficult times. The support offered is done so on a strictly confidential basis.

Both funds are maintained thanks to regular voluntary donations from our worldwide membership.

In addition each year the Circle President also nominates a charity for which we raise funds on an ad hoc basis. Recently we have supported the Alzheimer’s Society, Help for Heroes, Trafford Deaf Children’s Society and most recently the Cleft Lip and Palate Unit at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. 

Our charitable fund raising brings us into contact with many local people and organisations which are making such a valuable contribution to our community.

A BIG cheque for a BIG donation was presented on behalf of Brooklands Circle members by retiring President Stuart McNeill to the Cleft Lip and Palate Unit at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital on Thursday 25th April. An impressive £1,740 was raised during Stuart McNeill’s year as Circle President for the above charity. Stuart can be seen at the front of the photographs with the ladies.

We believe that helping others is an important part of having fun and improving our wider family life.
